Antonyms Examples Preparing GRE Level - Easy


(Level - Easy)


A) Resolution
B) Stubbornness
c) Invariance
D) Dilution
E) Concentration

Fluctuation is change from one extreme to another i.e. variance
The opposite is "no variance".

A) Resolution - the act of solving or settling a problem, disagreement.
e.g.The government is pressing for an early resolution of the dispute

B) Stubbornness - Rigidness. Not to change opinion or attitude.

C) Invariance - Resistant to variation, Resistant to fluctuation.

D) Dilution - Weakening

e) Concentration - Strengthening

The antonym of Fluctuation X Invariance
correct answer is choice (C).

2) Covert

A) Pernicious
B) Manifest
C) Overrated
D) Reckless
E) Jubilant

Covert is both adjective and noun. but looking at given choices here Covert is an adjective.
Meaning of Covert is decret/hidden/difficult to notice. One way to remember Covert is cover.
e.g. the covert military operations.

A) Pernicious - Extremely harmful, Baneful

B) Manifested - Open to view, Easy to See/Understand.
The anger he felt is manifest in his paintings.

C) Overrated - Estimates too high

D) Reckless - showing a lack of care about danger and the possible results of your actions
e.g. He is a reckless driver.

E) Jubilant - feeling or showing great happiness because of a success

So here the antonym of Covert X Manifest
choice (B) is the correct answer.
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